High Quality Solutions • Exceptional Value • Long Term Benefits

Mastic Asphalt protection has a wide range of construction applications and offers total waterproofing integrity, with its flexibility of use and durability, mastic asphalt is used on roofs, balconies, rooftop car parks, below-ground tanking, podium decks & train station platforms as well as roadside pavements and bridge decks.


Whilst being one of the World’s oldest construction materials it has continued to develop with the times and even in today’s fast track building industry, polymer modified mastic asphalt remains the unrivalled choice for many designers and specifiers.

Proven as the most cost-effective waterproofing membrane, lasting an average 60 years (source: RICS). It is also the least expensive to maintain and the least problematic pedestrian footway material due to its monolithic nature.

Installed by trained operatives who have undertaken the mastic asphalt industry’s extensive training programme, which lasts for a minimum of three years to NVQ Level Two/Three, or equivalent.